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Internships / Work-study Programs (R from
ICP. SUMMER. '84. EDUCATION. PROGRAM. sr-roo'r mom rim Hmon rem SHOULDER. Klwd's Zoom PaparazziTM Camera. The ... work and a final exhibition or thesis project. Codirectors are Eileen Kaye Berger (ICP) and Gerald Pryor (NYU). For ...
Internships / Work-study Programs (R from
... internships and co-op programs for college sophomores and juniors. IS personnel talk with scores of prospective ... work/study co-op program, students delve into meaningful activities such as monitoring electronic data interchange ...
Internships / Work-study Programs (R from
... Work-Study: Federal work-study programs provide employment for students with financial need. This money can be used ... internships at Ford Motor Company Must be U.S. citizens or permanent resident, college sophomore in 4-year ...
Internships / Work-study Programs (R from
... Job. Market. Brooklyn-based Venture Raiders Inc. is helping New York youths invade the job market with polished skills. The 13-year-old outfit has managed to move teenagers from deadend job programs into the corporate world by training ...
Internships / Work-study Programs (R from
... work/life initiatives lose ground in ... study by Cornell professor Daniel Simon ("The Bottom Line on Benefits," page 62), who has drawn a correlation between making the list and increased stock value. Ironically, work/life programs ...
Internships / Work-study Programs (R from
IN. THE. N. J? W. S. Invading. The. Job. Market. Brooklyn-based Venture Raiders Inc. is helping New York youths invade the job market with polished skills. The 13-year-old outfit has managed to move teenagers from deadend job programs into ...
Internships / Work-study Programs (R from
... program in "Global Ecology" involves work internships and study in a developing country. Instead of a career of setting ahead, consider giving a hand Reach out to people wherever they are... to undocumented aliens... to residents of ...
Internships / Work-study Programs (R from
IN. THE. N. J? W. S. Invading. The. Job. Market. Brooklyn-based Venture Raiders Inc. is helping New York youths invade the job market with polished skills. The 13-year-old outfit has managed to move teenagers from deadend job programs into ...
Internships / Work-study Programs (R from
... work/life programs, along with its overall strengths, flaws and plans for improvement. This year, for the first time, we have divided companies by industry; the industry leader is highlighted with a red star. Also this year, in addition ...