Oct 22, 2024 ˇ You're looking for Moq's SetupSequence method, which can be used in-place of the Setup method. As seen in the following code snippet, it's ...
Sep 15, 2020 ˇ Moq offers several utilities to properly configure method calls. As ... SetupSequence(p => p.GetSomething(It.IsAny<string>()) .Returns ...
Jan 26, 2018 ˇ Moq has a built-in way of doing this – SetupSequence. When defining the behavior of your mock, you just chain together the desired result.
Documentation for "M:Moq.SequenceExtensions.SetupSequence``2(Moq.Mock{``0},System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func`2})"]
Sep 29, 2009 ˇ Hey Ahmed, well done for spotting that Moq already supports it with SetupSequence. This works for me. Why reinvent the wheel?? Avatar for ...
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May 8, 2023 ˇ C# : SetupSequence in Moq To Access My Live Chat Page, On Google, Search for "hows tech developer connect" I have a hidden feature that I ...
Feb 24, 2014 ˇ The alternative is to use the Moq feature Sequence which allows you to set multiple return values, that will be returned one at a time in order, ...
May 7, 2021 ˇ I'm attempting to upgrade from a very old version. Our codebase is relying on usage of SetupSequence that is no longer supported.