Moq SetupSequence from
... Moq needs you to swap Setup for SetupSequence to allow this kind of stacking . When using Spock's stubbing facilities , you just need to specify a list of values to return . Click here to view code image dependencyStub ...
Moq SetupSequence from
... Moq ; using SportsStore . Infrastructure ; using SportsStore.Models.ViewModels ; using Xunit ; namespace SportsStore ... SetupSequence ( x = > x . Action ( It . IsAny < UrlActionContext > ( ) ) ) .Returns ( " Test / Page1 ...
Moq SetupSequence from
Adam Freeman. using Moq ; using SportsStore.Infrastructure ; using SportsStore.Models.ViewModels ; using Xunit ... SetupSequence ( x = > x.Action ( It.IsAny < UrlActionContext > ( ) ) ) .Returns ( " Test / Page1 " ) .Returns ...
Moq SetupSequence from
... Moq; using SportsStore.Infrastructure; using SportsStore.Models.ViewModels; using Xunit; namespace SportsStore.Tests ... SetupSequence(x => x.Action(It.IsAny<UrlActionContext>())) .Returns("Test/Page1") .Returns("Test/Page2 ...
Moq SetupSequence from
The examples in the book use C#, but will benefit anyone using a statically typed language such as Java or C++. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
Moq SetupSequence from
He then shows you how to make them more robust and repeatable--and far more cost-effective. Loaded with information, this book feels like three books in one.
Moq SetupSequence from
... Moq ; using SportsStore.Infrastructure ; using SportsStore.Models.ViewModels ; using Xunit ; namespace SportsStore ... SetupSequence ( x = > x.Action ( It.IsAny < UrlActionContext > ( ) ) ) .Returns ( " Test / Page1 " ) .Returns ...
Moq SetupSequence from
This book follows the same format and style as the popular previous editions but brings everything up to date for the new ASP.NET Core for .NET 6 release and broadens the focus to include all of the ASP.NET Core platform.
Moq SetupSequence from
Quite simply, test-driven development is meant to eliminate fear in application development.