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Illinois part of national epidemic, with only 1 in 3 students reading well
Illinois Policy
Student literacy is in trouble nationally, which is why Illinois is one of 35 states where just 1 in 3 – or fewer – of its fourth graders met reading...
2 maanden geleden
What’s Missing From States’ Reading Laws? The Role of Content Knowledge
Education Week
Legislation aiming to push literacy instruction in schools more closely with research evidence continues to flow fast and hard.
8 maanden geleden
Fresno Unified teacher says the ‘science of reading’ failed 20 years ago | Opinion
Fresno Bee
Fresno Unified social studies teacher Derek Boucher casts doubt on the current push to use “scientific” principles in reading instruction.
8 maanden geleden
The Dishonest Opposition to Improving Literacy
New Ideal
American reading education has been a catastrophe for decades. The latest report from the National Assessment of Educational Progress found...
6 maanden geleden
LVUSD curriculum lacks phonics component
Agoura Hills Acorn
Our school district needs a dedicated phonics component, a critical aspect of structured reading instruction.
1 maand geleden
Council Post: Addressing The Literacy Crisis: A Call To Action For District Leaders
As districts across the country face unprecedented teacher shortages, the need for highly-trained literacy experts continues to expand.
8 maanden geleden
Riccards: Twenty Years After the National Reading Panel, It’s Time for a Reading Rights Movement
The 74
The panel emphasized that good reading instruction incorporates explicit and systematic instruction in five components of reading.
55 maanden geleden
How the media — including NPR — overlooked the significance of a landmark study on reading education
Current - For people in public media
Based on an extensive research review, the National Reading Panel (NRP) report was an inflection point in the history of reading research and education policy.
24 maanden geleden
New York’s Literacy Flip
City Journal
Gotham's overdue embrace of phonics reinforces the need to make educational research available to schools.
11 maanden geleden
Why aren't kids being taught to read? | Hard Words
APM Reports
Research shows that children who don't learn to read by the end of third grade are likely to remain poor readers for the rest of their lives.
74 maanden geleden