... P - Reactor P - Reactor cooling water was withdrawn from the Savannah River and discharged to Steel Creek from 1954 to 1961. Par Pond was formed in 1957 and 1958 by placing an earthen dam across Lower Three Runs Creek . Par Pond was ...
... P. CAIN , Subcommittee Rent Control : LAWRENCE , MASS . , January 20 , 1948 . The continuation of rent control is absolutely essential to prevent severe hard- ship in this city , will you kindly record my views ? JAMES P. MEEHAN , Mayor ...
... P. Phanium relictam solam ? G. Sic . P. Et iratum senem ? G. Oppido . P. Ad te summa solum , Phormio , rerum redit : Tute hoc intristi ; tibi omne est exedendum : accingere . 5 G. Obsecro te . P. Si rogabit ? G. In te spes est . P ...
K. Shure. Table 5. EFFECT OF P - 2 AND P - 3 SCATTERING COMPO- NENTS OF OXYGEN ON PENETRATION IN WATER Ratio of Thermal Neutron Fluxes r ( cm ) P - 2 , P - 3 / No P - 2 , P - 3 30 02004060 10 1.000 0.996 0.997 1.007 1.046 80 1.088 100 ...
... P - 20 . EXAMS was run in the pulse - loading mode to simulate typical pesticide inputs . The mag- nitude of each loading was calculated by incorporating runoff and erosion ... P 131 Appendix P (c) Results of Exposure Assessment P-131.
... ( P - 27 ) , No. 28. Figures on the old definition for April 1910 to 1950 are given in Census - BAE , No. 16 ) of 14,313,000 An average persons were living on farms in rural areas in the United States in the 12 - month period centered on ...
... p . 45 . Blackfriars Bridge , p . 45 . THE THAMES . From Blackfriars Bridge to London Bridge . York House . Water - gate , built by Inigo Jones , for Villiers , D. of Buckingham . Adelphi - terrace - in centre house Garrick died ...
... p the pressure expressed in pounds per square foot . Pole's formula is 24250 P = V - 65 24250 or , V = + 65 ; P ( c ) here P is the pressure in lbs . per square inch , and V its relative volume compared with that of its constituent ...