Coelacanths (order Coelacanthiformes) are an ancient group of lobe-finned fish (Sarcopterygii) in the class Actinistia. As sarcopterygians, they are more ...
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5 nov 2018 · Coelacanths (seel-a-canths) were once known only from fossils and were thought to have gone extinct approximately 65 million years ago (mya).

Coelacantachtigen (Coelacanth)

Coelacanthen zijn een oude groep kwabvinvissen uit de klasse Actinistia. Als sarcopterygiërs zijn ze nauwer verwant aan longvissen en tetrapoden dan aan vissen met roggenvin. Wikipedia (Engels)
Wetenschappelijke naam: Coelacanthiformes
Lagere taxa
Identification. Coelacanths are quite different from all other living fishes. They have an extra lobe on the tail, paired lobed fins, and a vertebral column ...
Coelacanths are elusive, deep-sea creatures, living in depths up to 2,300 feet below the surface. They can be huge, reaching 6.5 feet or more and weighing 198 ...
18 sep 2024 · Coelacanth, any of the two living lobe-finned bony fishes of the genus Latimeria. Order Coelacanthiformes, to which all coelacanths belong, ...
The coelacanth, found in the deep waters off southeastern Africa, is a nocturnal predator and considered critically endangered.
The fish was a coelacanth, one of a group that was thought to have gone extinct 70 million years earlier. But this one was alive.
12 sep 2024 · The ancient coelacanth, a lobe-finned fish, is a living fossil in every sense of the term. Biologists believe this supreme survivor has undergone little change ...
28 apr 2016 · The African coelacanth belongs to an ancient lineage of bony, lobe-finned fish. The species was believed to have gone extinct over 65 ...
The coelacanth is a piscivorous (fish-eating), nocturnal animal. It resides in caves during daylight hours, possibly for protection from predatory sharks and to ...