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inauthor: Church of Ireland van
... Ireland ; now sev if — ' age. ~ We have also received Taam the sum of $2 0 ... in author tioi faithful and efficient P.! rewarded by a partnershi] bee It ... church, many, nine. Afterwards was cot re-formed and procsedei »:. Ma ...
inauthor: Church of Ireland van
... Church, Benfiald 8tre*t— th* Bight Rev. Wm. Scot Wilson, Bishop of Glasgow ... Ireland found tht mi-elves ui>der the Ufcesnty ot aaking the laity to avfcut ... in author! '-y •mould r* directed to thi* subject, but at the;sam ...
inauthor: Church of Ireland van
... Church, which started last Won- day morning. The enrollment InAuthors cludes pupils from nil churches In ing n the ... Ireland are producn Fin-felt of war tales.
inauthor: Church of Ireland van
... Church founded by OhrUt, our Lord Himself, on tho loundatlon o! the Apostles tho chief of whom ho appointed St. J^'or The sucoetsor of St Peter In author! v and dUnltylallla Hollncoa Pope Leo XUl, to whom we owo revorenoo and obedience ...
inauthor: Church of Ireland van
It used to be a capital offense for priest of the Catholic church to set foot on the soil of New York. In France Huguenots were persecuted for. In Ireland ... In author- i'y should be slow to issue warrant The law has leaned heavily to ...
inauthor: Church of Ireland van
... Ireland at. Washington on tho occasion ol' the consecration of Bishop O'Uormau. In this sermon the archbishop referred to the bluhops as tbe mam strength of the Catholic church ... in author ity. The aroiibmhop'a advocacy of Me Kiiiloy 's ...
inauthor: Church of Ireland van
... Church of the Catacombs. By His ni Wi'eman. ISmo. of 400 pages i cloth ... i n author of " Tales of iho Festivals," &c. 13. Calhsta. A Tale of lhe ... Irish University. 12mo. (Will " be Ready (he 1st of July.) * Ancient History ...
inauthor: Church of Ireland van
... In author'* hull. F. H. Murphy, brother hi low of County Clork Mnble O ... Church Women's Service league will be hold next Tuc.iday In tho parish house ... Irish Lnrtlos vwll bo held Tuesday night' at tho Elks olub rooms. Music ...
inauthor: Church of Ireland van
... church was that of general apont for tho •Sunday School union. In this work ... Ireland, although his native place is Hamilton, O. During his early ... in author. LI is principal works are "From Dan to Beershebn," "B ibylon and ...
inauthor: Church of Ireland van
... In author- Ity for the statement that the K. P.'s have engaged the ... church towers were calling young hearts to 'their Sabbath school?. In not ... Ireland living In poverty aqualor and Ignorance with the tpoor house their ...