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This page shows the sunrise and sunset times in Julius-Brecht-Straße 27D, Lübbecke, Germany, including beautiful sunrise or sunset photos, local current ...
Brecht, Belgium: sunrise, sunset, dawn, dusk, first light, nightfall, moon times and moon phases.
sunrise icon. Sunrise. 6:02 AM. sunset icon. Sunset. 9:33 PM. N.B.. Climatology information currently not available. This website is operated on behalf of WMO ...
Current time in Brecht, Belgium. Time zone, day length, time of sunrise and sunset, daylight saving time information.
» Sunrise Sunset Times, Daylight Hours of Brecht, Belgium · Search Time Zone Converters · Moon Phases Rise Set Time Worldwide · Sunrise Sunset Time Worldwide.
Solar and lunar calendar with sunrise and sunset times. With moonrise and moonset times. Today, October 2, 2024. Sunrise today in Brecht. 7:41. Sunset today in ...
Brecht Latitude and Longitude:51º 21′ 0.86″ N,4º 38′ 17.84″ E. Sunrise, sunset times for Brecht ...
Flanders · Belgium 24 September at 02:00. Weather Brecht. 18° 20 km/h · 90 Min. Weather. light rain. today. Sunrise and sunset 07:31 19:34. 16:00. 18. °. light ...
When is the sunrise / sunset today? On Monday, in Brecht, sunrise was at 06:12 and sunset at 21:22 (CEST) ...
Solar and lunar calendar with sunrise and sunset times. With moonrise and moonset times. Today, September 30, 2024. Sunrise today in Brecht. 7:30. Sunset today ...