Charles Tennyson Turner
Charles Tennyson Turner was een Engelse dichter.
Geboren in Somersby, Lincolnshire, was hij een oudere broer van Alfred Tennyson; zijn vriendschap en de "hartunie" met zijn broer wordt onthuld in Poems by Two Brothers. Een andere dichter-broer was... Wikipedia (Engels)
Geboren: 4 juli 1808, Somersby, Verenigd Koninkrijk
Overleden: 25 april 1879, Cheltenham, Verenigd Koninkrijk
Grootouders: Mary Turner, Stephen Fytche, Mary Green en meer
Overgrootouders: John Turner, Michael Tennyson en Elizabeth Clayton
Partner: Louisa Sellwood
Opleiding: Trinity College
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Charles Tennyson Turner was an English poet. Born in Somersby, Lincolnshire, he was an elder brother of Alfred Tennyson; his friendship and the "heart ...
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What is Charles Turner known for?
Charles Tennyson Turner was the son of the Rev. George Clayton Tennyson, rector of Somersby and Enderby in Lincolnshire, and was born in the former village ...
Charles Tennyson Turner was an English poet, best known for his descriptive and meditative sonnets. He was the elder brother of the celebrated poet, Alfred, ...
A Brilliant Day · On a Vase of Gold Fish · From Harvest to January · The Steam Threshing-Machine With the Straw Carrier · On the Eclipse of the Moon of October ...
A HUNDRED SONNETS Charles Tennyson Turner ... Only 1 left in stock - order soon. ... 1960. Rirst edition. Vg condition in good dj. NOT ex-library. Previous owner's ...
He had built the Vicarage, the Church, the Schools, and now crippled and full of pain he would each morning go through the cold, and the mud and the rain, to ...
Charles Tennyson Turner was an English poet and brother to Alfred Lord Tennyson. He was a priest and published a few collections during his lifetime.
28 dec 2020 · Turner, Charles Tennyson (1808–1879), poet, born at Somersby, Lincolnshire, on 4 July 1808, was second son of the Rev. George Clayton Tennyson.
Charles (Tennyson) Turner is recognized as an accomplished and thoughtful sonneteer in his own right; his work also provides an interesting gloss on that of his ...
Charles Tennyson Turner (born Charles Tennyson; 4 July 1808 – 25 April 1879) was an English poet. Born in Somersby, Lincolnshire, he was an elder brother of ...