public static ISetupSequentialResult<Task<TResult>> ReturnsAsync<TResult>(this ISetupSequentialResult<Task<TResult>> setup, Func<TResult> valueFunction).
Jan 2, 2021 ˇ These extension methods allow you to set up the result of an async method call without having to manually wrap the desired result in a task.
Jan 16, 2018 ˇ Update: Moq now has the ReturnsAsync() method, rendering the following unnecessary. I'll keep the post for the sake of history.
Oct 18, 2019 ˇ The only catch when using the SetupSequence method is to know how many times the testable method will be called because if the return values, ...
Jan 26, 2018 ˇ Moq has a built-in way of doing this – SetupSequence. When defining the behavior of your mock, you just chain together the desired result.
May 26, 2022 ˇ In this article, we are going to learn how to mock asynchronous methods using Moq. Moq is an easy-to-use and most popular framework to mock tests using .NET.
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Feb 24, 2014 ˇ The more well known approach is to just use a Queue and have the mock call Dequeue and return the result each time the mocked method is called.
Sep 15, 2020 ˇ The most elementary scenario is configuring a method or a property to return a well-known value, ie a value already available while configuring the mock.